Reprezentanții organizației ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management) anunță apariția unui nou număr al revistei „Vocea ESTIEM”, o publicație specială realizată de studenți, aceasta fiind prima noastră revistă în limba engleză.

Varianta online a revistei Vocea ESTIEM Special Edition se găsește aici: Vocea Estiem Special Edition

 "Finally, reader, I feel the need to thank you for being next to me and the ESTIEM team, either you have met us for the first time or we are old friends, directly or indirectly, we are an endless chain of links that create a whole. Therefore, without you this magazine would have no purpose. As each of us creates a purpose in life, this magazine, created by us, achieves its purpose when it is browsed by you.

    Lately I have had the time to think, as probably we have all had time to let our thoughts run wild. My mind flew every day to you, to the day when our life returns to its normal course. It was hard for me to work out the details of the magazine, because rereading it so many times I couldn’t help but think how differently it was designed.

    Indeed, in these moments there is not much to say. We receive dozens of tips every day, the whole social media is full of motivational quotes on how to increase your confidence or how to become more productive. We hear the same things, we read the same things, but what makes us different is our own decisions. There are 86 thousand seconds in a day and what makes us different from one another is what we do with those seconds. Do we choose to learn about 3D design? Or do we choose to manage a social media page? Or maybe we fall in love with technology from a young age and want to show the world how big we are? All of these decisions sound great, don’t they?!

But.. the best decision is the one that YOU made! Our whole life is guided by choices, and I am sure YOU have chosen wisely. For me, the decision to come to the Faculty of Engineering was the most wonderful choice I have made in my life. Why are you most proud of? “With small steps, towards great dreams.”"

Luana Rebeica Oltean, Magazine Responsible

Revista este coordonată de dr. ing. Mihaela Bucur. Echipa redacțională este formată din designer Oltean Luana-Rebeica și studenții: Bârsan Larisa, Boitoș Cristina, Bordoș Ștefana, Creța Vlad Mihai, Muntean Marius, Oltean Cătălin Iulian, Suciu Dorin și fotograf Alex Moldovan.